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Interview with the researcher

Interview with the researcher Alessandro Mendini, 21st December 2006

You claim that each type of plant grow and develops according to a programme. In fact, since over fifty years you have formulated products that act specifically on the programmatic field of the plant. What does it mean?
“The programmatic field of a plant consists of the aerial sphere (which includes the vegetative part and the magnetic halonal part) and the radical sphere that affects the roots and the soil. The intersection between the two spheres constitutes the zone of exchange on which the vegeto-productive balance depends.
The primary programme refers to how the plant will occupy its future space, with what times and how it will react to the conditions created by spatio-temporal events. By enhancing the programmatic field, the plant bears fruit effortlessly... It is like a computer with 1,000 megabytes or 1,000,000 megabytes. Just as if the human being eats well, lives well, the plant is also linked to what it sucks from the ground. This is why microbiological balance is important, as it is the first natural balancing filter that regulates all life processes”.

For this reason you have also created a specific product for land decontamination?
“In 2005, given the conditions of the agricultural land, I made available to the customers of AXS M31 a specific product for the land decontamination, to be used for three years (necessary time for the revitalisation of the land). Used together with BioAksxter M31, this specific product creates a progressive rebalancing, the inversion of a irriversible decline dynamic of life, the recostitution of biological chain and the resolution of pathologies arising from it".

Does the application of your discovery in agriculture open up the possibility of coming out of an irreversible decline?
"Yes, because it secures us against adverse environmental factors and the exacerbation of disease issues, ensuring qualitative and quantitative results that affect excellent agricultural production."

You have conducted 26 years of surveys relating to the increase in basic radioactivity; would you like to tell us what it is and what influence this increase has in agriculture?
Basic radioactivity is an energy necessary for life, composed of a myriad of energies. Multiple vital functions are linked to it, including lymphatic flow in plants and the activity of microorganisms in the soil.
An excessive increase in basic radioactivity, caused by the increase in induced radioactivity, can block such functions, resulting in the arrest of lymphatic flow, the subsequent collapse of cellular tissues, the increase in the aggressiveness of pathogens until the collapse of the soil. I can say that we are close to saturation; this involves the concatenation of multiple events.
The data I collected present an apocalyptic result, as the basic radioactivity reached the saturation point causes irreversible damage... the message passes into the Dna causing the genetic modification of the entire biological chain”.

What can you tell us about the increase in plant diseases?
"New diseases triggered by bacteria contaminated by viruses, that is modifiers of the growth structure determined by open-loop molecules, are now organized and ready to become epidemics. My research goes beyond the identification of disease transmission vectors and considers the primary energy balances from whose alteration they derive".

What innovation has your research on agriculture led to?
“To the realisation and introduction into the agroecosystem of truly ecological formulations, as they introduce the concept of energy as the only factor capable of optimising all life processes. This is a concrete concept as I have created the magnetic charges of computerised hydrocompressed type with a charge capacity of 7.6 Gigawatt per mm3, a real energy technology that acts according to the principles of Mother Nature, the only ones that can relieve us from the heaviness of rampant hunger.
These formulations, produced by the AXS M31, are characterized by closed-loop molecules necessary for the rapid re-entry of chemicals; they constitute the challenge of this century dominated by pollution, but they entail the knowledge of energy in all its forms and the mastery of vital charges…
In essence, the modern era that marks the transition from biological to chemical transformations needs an understanding of the energy transformations that regulate life in nature, just as modern agriculture needs energy technology in order to survive."

Nanotechnologies in agriculture are based on this principle, but what are the advantages of using them?
“The use of nanostructured products with magnetic formulation puts in place vital mechanisms that avoid the saturation of the environment due to chemical and radioactive pollution, allows the control of epidemic factors in place, the rebalancing of plant and soil and better management of climatic problems thanks to the regulation of the earth - air - water system.
With this choice the farmer strengthens and rebalances the plant-production system, as well as all eco-biological exchanges, reaching a production of high value; he also chooses to protect his health by handling a 100% safe product, thus safeguarding the health of the consumer".

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