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An agroecological production model for a resilient agricultural system

An agroecological production model for a resilient agricultural system

11 July 2023 - BioAksxter®

In modern agriculture, more and more farms are seeking to adopt a sustainable approach known as the agroecological model. This approach, based on the principles of biodiversity, resource efficiency and reduced chemical inputs, is gaining increasing interest among farmers and consumers.

In this context, L'Orto di Mamma Patty emerges as a concrete example of success in the field of agroecological agriculture.

What is meant by an agro-ecological production model?

The agro-ecological production model considers agriculture as a system aimed at promoting soil health, the preservation of biodiversity, the reduction of environmental impact and the well-being of local communities.

The importance of sustainable agriculture, or rather the agroecological model, stems from the need to first address current challenges related to food security, the responsible use of natural resources, the environmental impact of conventional agriculture and, above all, pollution.

Agroecological farming offers a sustainable alternative solution to the use of pesticides and chemical fertilisers that guarantees quality food while preserving the environment.

L'Orto di Mamma Patty: a concrete case of an agro-ecological model

Here, the goal of creating a balance between agricultural production and environmental conservation has been achieved.

L'Orto di Mamma Patty is committed year after year to the practice of the agro-ecological model, resulting in healthy and nutritious agricultural products. Through the use of agronomic techniques such as crop rotation and diversification, efficient irrigation techniques, and soil conservation practices such as the use of the BioAksxter® depolluting fertiliser, the company demonstrates that it is possible to achieve high yields while promoting environmental sustainability.

Contrary to the common view that sees agroecology as 'a model based exclusively on traditional practices with low productivity', numerous studies show that with BioAksxter® it is possible to achieve yields comparable to, if not higher than, conventional systems.

Glimpse of the farm

Industrial agriculture increasingly unsustainable

The Green Revolution, which represented intensive agriculture, failed to ensure safe and sufficient food production for all. It was based on the assumption of an abundance of water and cheap energy to support modern agriculture, and a stable climate.

Agrochemicals together with fuel-based mechanisation, the core of industrial agriculture, completely dependent on (depleting) fossil fuel sources, are increasingly expensive. In addition, extreme weather events are increasingly frequent and intense, damaging millions of cultivated hectares worldwide.

Furthermore, industrial agriculture contributes 25-30% of greenhouse gas emissions, further exacerbating climate change and seriously threatening the planet's ability to produce food in the future. In sum, the limits of energy resources, climate instability and negative environmental impact make industrial agriculture unsuitable for sustainable practice.

From rocky soil and alpine meadow to agricultural land

It all started in 2016, when Patrizia decided to grow vegetables and wheat on rocky soil. Deciding to farm on rocky mountain terrain would not have been easy. Farming in the mountains is a real challenge and this is confirmed by the data showing a continuous decline in mountain farms.
For Patrizia, it was a sort of bet.

The stony soil makes crop productivity difficult, but thanks to the use of BioAksxter® it was possible to cultivate on the first hectare, as you can also see in this photo:

Wheat cultivation with BioAksxter® on stony soil

Within three months Patrizia opened the farm with one concept: eating well should not be a privilege of the few, but a right of all.

Offering consumers residue-free agricultural products, free of toxic substances and with high organoleptic characteristics. Bringing vegetables grown with BioAksxter® to the family table.
She wanted to have a farm that was not limited to organic farming.


Resilient agricultural systems vs. Crisis in the agricultural sector

This specific agro-ecological model brings with it numerous positive impacts including the adaptability of crops to climate change, i.e. being able to cope with emerging environmental conditions. This is why it is also referred to as a 'resilient agricultural system'.

On this basis, Patrizia was able to expand her company in the following years.
Only by implementing concrete adaptation measures for plant production is it possible to cope with modern agriculture, without resorting to genetically modified resistant varieties.

Never before have farms been born and die after only 1 or 2 years of existence. The agricultural system is in crisis for all intents and purposes.

While there are bureaucratic and economic difficulties, agronomic-environmental problems take over. Droughts, floods, tired soils or soils saturated with chemicals make it impossible to produce well. Extreme weather events are becoming increasingly frequent. A series of inconveniences that Patrizia Bordati, owner of Mamma Patty's Vegetable Garden, manages to tackle thanks to:

  • disease prevention measures
  • appropriate agronomic techniques
  • constant environmental depollution action

... with surprising results year after year.
BioAksxter® also wins in this respect: safeguarding income and the future of the farm.


L'Orto di Mamma Patty and the Short Food Supply Chain

Eight years after opening the company, Patrizia cultivates vegetables in the Giudicarie Esteriori area and olive trees in the Alto Garda area, in a short supply chain environment.

The short supply chain allows consumers to have access to fresh, high quality products directly from the producer. Instead of going through numerous transport and storage steps, short supply chain products are sold directly from the producer to the consumer, often through local markets or home delivery services.

This approach promotes environmental sustainability, reduces the negative impact of transport and creates greater awareness of production methods.

L'Orto di Mamma Patty organises open days for the public. During these occasions, Patrizia opens the doors of her agricultural field to the community and invites people to visit and learn about her work. They can ask questions, exchange experiences and receive advice on how to farm sustainably and responsibly. Mama Patty shares her passion for growing produce treated with BioAksxter® and tries to inspire others to take part in this agri-food approach. A concrete example of a resilient agro-ecological production model.


M31 Agriculture

M31 Agriculture

A natural fertiliser that maximises the quality and quantity of agricultural production.

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